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The Quincy (滅却師 (クインシー), Kuinshī; lit. "Monk of Destruction") in modern terms, they are an old and secret community living in peace beetwenn estroq mountain and the forest. at such an early age, childs learn to use bows, to become hunters, at 16years old they have to pass a test , to become a Quincy they have to fight against a fierce bear with only 1 arrow and a bow.

Archery is the most used form of combat among the Quincy. Extremely accurate, maintaining the distance from highly dangerous enemies as well as launching numerous attacks on multiple opponents gives them a great advantage offensively and defensively.

People say that Quincies can hide sun with an iron rain and that Quincy's victims are considered as purified.

Guardians is an army compound of powerfull mercenaries who joined as they go along the cause of the Quincy clan, they result from 4 corners of the globe and choose to protect colors of Quincy.

There are no real rules, only guidelines:

- Quincies are honest and pure, they only fight for light and justice, they protect child and virgin too.

- Quincies are polite and helpful, they rarely/never hit ally, they are really sorry when happens.

- Quincies prefer wearing white clothes (not a rule)



Quincy Clan is a merchant republic. Decisions are made during meetings usually by the process of voting. Any member with the right to vote can debate their point of view in the matter being discussed at that moment to try to persuade others to support member's view. Nobody is allowed to make independent decisions. Owners of fiefs are not their actual owners, they are just governors who's job is to manage the fief and protect the s&d. All fiefs are property of Quincy Clan and no individual can make any claim on them. Quincy Clan borders can only be changed during the war and/or by buying and selling of fiefs. No individual is allowed to buy and/or sell a fief in the name of Quincy Clan or in their own name.


We do not intend to make any friends or enemies. Our goal is to try to keep neutrality as much as possible. We do not intend to attack other factions (unless they are an obvious threat for our lands); however we might attack players that are not in any faction. If our target is a neutral caravan working for a faction, the target should tell the faction they work for to send us a message and we will call off the attack and make a note for future reference. We will consider this information strictly confidential and will never share it with other factions. While we don’t want to make any allies, friends and enemies we will try to make as much trade agreements as possible.


Only deals we will make are caravan deals. Every caravan deal we make is STRICTLY confidential and considered privileged information. If the other side cannot promise confidentiality for the potential deal Quincies will not sign it. There is no payment or bribe that could make us break the privilege. We DO NOT do any spy missions. If we start spying on our clients then we will never be hired again. Depending on the business deals we sign we can ask for payment in advance, or after the job is done or part before and part after the job is done.


Our Fiefs aren't free trading centers and we will defend our s&d accordingly. Anyone who wants to go through our lands should inform us first and they will be granted free passage. Anyone entering our territory without announcement and permit will be attacked without warning.

ABOUT US //////


Quincies do not take sides in battles and we cannot be bribed to take a side. We join rosters to gain experience and battle skill.
We encourage all to join our roster when we are under attack. By protecting us you are protecting the caravans that are just trying to earn some money or honor their deals.
Since the Quincy Clan is an archer Clan and Faction we will try to join as many sieges and raids as possible and we will try to join defenders rosters as much as we can, no matter the side. Sometimes we might join the attacking side if we decide to try ourselves in the offensive role.
We will try join normal battles to gain experience and that means that we will often apply for the side with more troops. Sometimes we might apply for the side with less troops.


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